01 March 2008

Innuendos & Insinuations

Numerous innuendos and insinuations has been hurled our way before... even up to the present and I wasn't too bothered by what they're trying to imply against us. Accusations volleying around, demolition job, both barrels loaded, campaigning to get leverage and allies, etc etc.. These people can't just get over the fact that there are those who knows the real score going behind the scene. They employ and use tactics to smear, feed and insinuate their so called "friends" to do their dirty deeds. Up until now, they're still up to their games. Feel sorry for these so called "friends" being used by them. But who really cares!?

Another form they use is intimidation. Such as "I'll stick up for you as long as you scratch my back". But once things go sour, watch out.

With all the bruhaha that has transpired, I never pitted my husband to defend and fight for me. Nor did I shed a tear 'coz what was said was so bad... blah blah blah.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

If what was said wasn't even the truth, why would one even shed a single tear!? And would try to use this weakness to gain people's support through sympathy. Whatever! *rolls eyes*

Hinting and double meaning posts has been circulating around. It's always the same issue and the same agenda... It's been dragging for such a long time that it's starting to sound like a broken record. They claim that we don't have a life and blah blah this and blah blah that... whereas they themselves are the ones propagating and dragging the controversy that they're involved with. They got themselves in such an upstanding position that they feel scared to be scorned and criticized by those people that they lead on and used for quite sometime. They'll do all means to turn the table around to make themselves triumph over any adversity that comes along their way! But it doesn't last very long... there's another contender just waiting around the corner after they've done their demolition job. It's a never ending cycle in their so called life!

In closing here's something to enjoy...

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